We had the opportunity to cover another wonderful non-profit fundraiser event; the Family Promise Gala hosted at the Historic Wilcox Manor in Tustin by Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz on July 20, 2013. It was a night of great food and intrigue in a beautiful mid-century Eichleresque home and lush gardens. The guests dined under a beautiful full moon with live performances by Ryan Reithmeyer, baritone; Heather Reithmeyer, soprano; and David Clemenson, accompanist.

There was a wonderful heartfelt testimonial given by a family that has benefited from Family Promise’ mission. Family Promise is a not-for-profit organization helping homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence. With most of their clients being children we applaud their vision and burning desire to help families get back on their feet.

//Slideshowpro Director
